Our Bit | Sustainability & Social Responsibility - ambience
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Our Bit

A little of what drives us (besides skateboards and other things)

One of the things we like doing is making sure that we have a place we all like going into everyday. A huge part of that is not only doing rather good work but doing things that we like and are passionate about. And (in a huge stroke of luck) the stuff that makes us happy, also aims to make others happy too.

Native Seed Sticks: Just Rip It & Stick It
Click to watch
andro packaging has no plastic, made to be reused

The circular economy is a driving principle with the team having a cradle-to-cradle thought process when not only designing a project but specifying the fitting. We are continually trying to innovate and improve our offering in this area. Repurposing, recycling and reusing (in design, production and packaging) bookends our endeavour to minimise waste and maximise efficiency.

We have an enviable track record of helping brands achieve 5-Star Green Star ratings including the first in retail for Country Road and have also extended our offering to develop ranges that utilise discarded lighting waste.

It goes without saying (having said that we are now saying it) our site is powered by solar energy.

Read more about our sustainability journey on


The packaging of our products is also exceptionally considered. There is no plastic in the packaging and it’s fully recyclable. The shape of the boxes are thoughtfully designed so that they can be re-purposed. We also like to do nifty little things like supply andro orders with Australian Native seeds.

The paper install guides have also been replaced by easy to scan QR codes to prevent waste.

Official Design partner Nightingale Housing
ambience Named Official Design Partner of Nightingale Housing
Social enterprise: Free to Feed, Fitzroy North
Major sponsor for Free to Feed

We pride ourselves on our people and welcome staff from a cross section of society and backgrounds. We recently began a program to provide vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community a pathway to full-time employment.

We are an official design partner of Nightingale Housing, a not-for-profit organisation that provides apartments that are socially, financially and environmentally sustainable.

We like to take on special projects, such as being a major sponsor for Free to Feed and their new space in Fitzroy North. Free to Feed are a social enterprise creating empowering employment opportunities for people seeking asylum and refugees through the creation of shared food experiences.

We’ve also donated lighting for other projects close to our heart including Lord Howe Island Museum.

If you have something in mind, we are always interested to hear.

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ambience recognises the true heritage of this country and acknowledges the Wurundjeri Willum Clan as the traditional owners of where we live, work and occasionally play. Thank you for caring for and fostering this land.


We have Australian-made official certification and have an on-site luminaire design, assembly, custom manufacturing and production team to produce lighting in-house. And we all know what this means for standard of product, turnaround, support and most of all – service.

Read on Light play
Jul 30 2021

A Little Bit On Doing Our Bit For Sustainability

Ways we’re making it easier to be green

Apr 30 2021

We’ve Gone And Added Australian Native Seeds To Our Andro Packaging

Re-use andro packaging to grow Australian native seedlings

Jun 19 2020

Andro Lighting Range Is Made To Make A Difference

andro lighting series is locally designed with ideas in mind.

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