Look Out Bose – How To Turn Your Andro Packaging Into DIY Speakers
By susan
October 4, 2021

The andro amp – yeah it goes up to 11
You might’ve already heard, not only is andro packaging made from recycled material but we also designed our andro tubes to be re-used. Well here’s re-use idea #27 – turn your tubes into a portable DIY speaker.
You’ll only need a few everyday household items to make it too. A great little amp for those smartphone tunes on your next government-sanctioned picnic!
This crafty little project takes 15-minutes tops, but will do the trick for you and your bubble buddies (or onsite when someone has left the work site stezza at home).
You will need
1x andro packaging tube and some of the kraft paper stuffing
Box Cutter/Serrated Knife/something to cut with
Electrical Tape
4x push pins
Fun stickers to slap on
A smartphone
Cool tunes
How to instructions
Queue your playlist for some nice (or naughty) tunes to work to.
Mark out the spot to cut a slot for your phone near the base of the tube.
With a box cutter, carefully cut out the hole keeping it on the snug side. Smooth out the edges then tape them with electrical tape.
Pimp your amp and slap on some stickers, then push the 4 pins into the underside of the tube so the speaker sits flat.
Stuff a small amount of the brown Kraft paper into the open end to make the sound less tinny.
Push your smartphone into the slot.
Boom! You’re enjoying stereo sounds*
*Provided your idea of stereo sound is a DIY speaker made from cardboard.
In the immortal words of Spinal Tap:
But why not give it a go?
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