The Second Edition of The Say Watt Lighting Design Companion
By Nikita
April 11, 2023

We’ve launched a 2nd edition for the Amazon/NY Times Number 1 best seller in the category of ‘Lighting Design Books from Bundoora with Say Watt in the title’.
Due to popular demand (and by popular demand we mean we’ve shrugged our shoulders and gone ‘The books are all out, maybe we should get some more’) we’ve launched a second edition.
Say Watt – The ABC’s to OMG’s of Lighting Design
Say Watt started as a light-hearted take on Lighting Design zine in 2015. Gone are the photocopies, and incoming is the second edition of our glossy-covered, little, limited pressed book. Find 156 pages of lighting knowledge illustrated by Andy Murphy, with this limited edition dotted with a number of fantastic projects we’ve been lucky enough to collab on across spaces to Shop, Dine, Live, Work and Play.
Say Watt was originally made for our mates or anyone else interested in illumination and its possibilities.
Since then it’s grown into an award-winning website, webinar series, and syndicated for design fairs and industry media. Plus, now a book. When we say now, we mean we made it a year ago but have only decided to post about it now.
Say Watt is available in all leading bookstores. And by ‘leading bookstores’ we mean us. If you’re keen for a copy, hit us up. We might be able to work something out. Or just come down and see us. Bring your team, bring your family, bring everyone.