Introducing The World’s First Ever Dimmer In a Can
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Introducing The World’s First Ever Dimmer In a Can

By Nikita
April 1, 2023


Dimming In a Can is the world’s first ever instant & completely powerless lighting dimmer


We’ve just gone and completely revolutionised the world of dimming technology. Dimming in a Can (DIAC) works so well because its technology utilises a pigmented liquid that when applied to a surface (in this case, your lights) it solidifies it to a black film. Wireless, powerless,  batteryless, no compatibility issues, just shake and spray, genius! 

Simply apply DIAC straight to your light source. No need to worry about headaches with minimal dimming levels – just apply based on your dimming preferences: a smidgeon, a bit, some more, heaps or just cover it! 


*Warning – process cannot be reversed, unless you have a good scrubbing brush.  **Can also be used to write your name on trains. 

UPDATE : Happy April Fools!

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