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By stephen
April 1, 2014

First, let us start with a confession.

Helsinki high bays do not actually hail from Finland.

They’re fixtures produced by the ambience team here in Melbourne and part of our growing product range. But they do make our consultant Neil a little less homesick. And they also give him the opportunity to remind us what it was like during the winter in Finland with about 5 hours of daylight (compared to about 20 hours in the summer). So, we figure the Finnish have earned their opinion on light and its application.

With the Helsinki, we have taken the traditionally-dated and industrial aesthetic of suspended high bays and given them a refreshed and architectural look. The Helsinki comes in standard aluminium, but also with prismatic shades and remote control gear option.

So, with local fabrication, their rejuvenated look and the competitive pricing, we’re sure the Helsinki not only gets the stamp of approval from Neil, but also anyone looking for a solid fitting to enhance a diverse range of environments.

facts about our helsinki high bays

  • Light source: Metal halide, CFL, LED
  • Light colour: 2700k – 6500k
  • Reflector: Faceted aluminium, prismatic
  • Mounting: Suspended
  • Ballast: Remote, internal
  • Dimensions:
    • Small: 300mm
    • Large: 400mm
  • Suggested environments: Retail, office, galleries, public buildings, hotels, residential

facts about helsinki,finland according to neil

  • They love ice hockey.
  • They love nude saunas.
  • Apple and pear cider goes down a treat.
  • There are rabbits everywhere.

(03) 9403 6400

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