The Casambi Edition of The Say Watt Lighting Design Companion
By Jamie Buswell
November 26, 2024

Put a look of bewilderment on a child’s face this Christmas with the gift of the latest Casambi edition of the Say Watt lighting design book.
Say Watt started as a light-hearted take on Lighting Design zine in 2015. Gone are the photocopies, and incoming is the third edition of our glossy-covered, little, limited-pressed book with a new section introducing you to the world of lighting control using Casambi. Casambi has been around fro a few years now but it’s really picking up steam of late, so we’d thought we could give a little introduction for those still a little fresh to the technology.
Say Watt – The ABC’s to OMG’s of Lighting Design CASAMBI EDITION
It might be the only lighting design book in the world that features grim reapers, Amish selfies, tinder dates, kickboxing in the supplies cupboard and weird Armageddon punks. Actually, I am pretty sure it would be. There are 170 pages of lighting knowledge illustrated by Andy Murphy, with this limited edition featuring a number of fantastic projects we’ve been lucky enough to collab on across spaces to Shop, Dine, Live, Work and Play.
Say Watt was originally made for our mates or anyone else interested in illumination and its possibilities. Since then it’s grown into an award-winning website, webinar series, and syndicated for design fairs and industry media.
Dave will be signing copies of Say Watt up at Uni Hill, but be quick – not because they will sell out, but because we haven’t asked for permission, and they’ll probably kick us out. You could also come down to ambience one day and see us. Bring your team, bring your family, bring everyone, and we might be able to rustle up a copy.